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The AI APP Store

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    Strategic Machines

Safe AI

We've been clear about this topic from the beginning.

While Generative AI is an astonishing addition to the global computing landscape, it also has more than a few landmines that every company needs to avoid. The productivity benefits of these Foundation models are undisputed, but have mostly been relegated to the set of repetitive and low-stake tasks which limit the productivity impact. LLMs tend to make things up with confidence when it is missing the facts, and that is a nonstarter for any company. The training methods and prompt engineering protocols that have been published by academic and industry researchers are useful in steering the generative model around these landmines, but are not conclusive. Executives everywhere are trying to balance the existential need to start applying AI to avoid getting left behind, with their regulatory obligations to do all this in a safe, secure and compliant manner. If you missed our prior points on this topics, you can read more here.

So what’s the possible solution? Enter the AI APP Store!

We caught our first glimpse of this when OpenAI announced ChaptGPT plugins. We participated in the early beta program, developing plugin prototypes for a consumer products company, with great success. With the plugins, we were in control of the workflow, and able to direct the model to search a product database for information when needed, rather than relying on wizardry and hoping for a correct answer. We noted that OpenAI identified ‘safety as a core principle’ with the announcement of this new capability. You’ll recall that the Apple identifies ‘safety’ as one of the key tenets of their App Store, where every app is subject to review, and is intended to boost confidence among consumers that the app ‘doesn’t contain upsetting or offensive content’.

This makes sense to us! And if you get a chance to test drive some of the OpenAI plugins on their site, we believe you’ll be impressed. It casts clear vision of ‘needle moving’ transformations by integrating LLM with core production systems of a company. We strongly endorse the AI App Store!